"No One Saves Us But Ourselves.
We Ourselves Must Walk The Path."

"The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living"

"Three Things Cannot Be Long Hidden:
The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth"

A gathering place for spiritual retreat, meditation, a return to nature, community, and service.

Join Us
Come visit the Malibu Ashram and join us for a retreat experience and spiritual exploration.

As we face these challenging days, having a safe haven for retreat and spirituality builds connection.

Located in one of the most magical stretches of Malibu, CA -- just steps from El Matador beach.
Retreat, Return to Nature, Yoga, Meditation & More...
The word “happiness” means something different to each of us. Perhaps the words “joy,” “contentment,” and “peace” are more representative of what we seek in living a life filled with purpose.
Yoga transcendence goes way beyond the work on the mat, and asana (physical yoga). Learn more about the Upanishads, the Vedas, and the ancient Indian wisdom texts which are arguably the root of all spiritual pursuits today, both in the East and the West.
For an extraordinary sense of peace, go beyond your habitual active mind. Get renewed vitality with the help of our guided meditation processes.
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