
Philosophy ExplorationWhere on the planet Earth you are born and spend your time has a great influence on your exposure to philosophy and religion. Many people who are born and live in the U.S. and other parts of the western world are only introduced to the more common and prevalent western philosophies and Judeo-Christian religions, even though there are many thousands of years of philosophies and religions from all over the world that pre and post date common western belief systems.

Come to expand your horizons and understanding of the world you live in with our Philosophy Exploration lectures and seminars at Malibu Ashram. We explore some of the most prominent philosophies and religions of the world including Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Stoicism, Existentialism, Pragmatism and more.

In the words of Socrates when he was on trial for impiety and corrupting youth:

An unexamined life is not worth living.

Philosophy Explorations at Malibu Ashram give participants the opportunity to examine their life in light of today’s problematic world and troubling times while also gaining new understandings, perspectives, and ways of thinking and being.

Come on a journey of the mind with us through programs of philosophy explorations at the beautiful Malibu Ashram that is within breathing distance of the mighty Pacific Ocean.

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